
It has been proven that the National Guard of Ukraine is on the path of development following the example of the security and defense forces of the leading countries of the world. It has been determined that the issue of replenishment of full-time units of the National Guard of Ukraine with officers is currently a pressing issue. New challenges naturally lead to a rational solution. It was noted that a key stage in the process of modernization and renewal of the National Guard of Ukraine is the formation of a modern system of military education on the basis of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to find modern approaches to the innovative development of non-formal education at the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine based on a study of the state of military education reform in Ukraine based on the experience of NATO member countries. It has been proven that well-founded changes in the military education system will allow to control and adjust the training process at the tactical and operational levels, taking into account the experience of performing combat (special) tasks by the National Guard of Ukraine during the repulsion of armed aggression. In addition, the implementation of an optimal combination of formal and informal education systems will ensure the necessary balance of timeliness of training and optimality of time for it, will contribute to the unification in the global network of NATO training and the achievement of significantly higher indicators of professional training of officers compared to the past. It is proposed to start new structural divisions in the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, which will meet high standards in the field of quality assurance of higher education, as well as the requirements of European and Euro-Atlantic integration of education of the security and defense sector of Ukraine. Such is the Center for retraining and professional development, which will include the department of professional training, the department of language training, the division (subdivision) of instructors, the cyclical commission for training drivers, as well as the management of the course of acquirers. In addition, it is appropriate to create a simulation modeling center consisting of two scientific research departments and a technical support department, which is designed to support all training, training and scientific activities using modern simulation modeling systems. The directions of further scientific research will be aimed at researching innovative approaches to the development of the military education system in higher military educational institutions of Ukraine.

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