
Statement of the problem. Translation of fiction is one of the most difficult types of translation. Translators face an incredible task: to recreate a text in another language so that it does not lose its meaning, visual component, aesthetic impact on a reader and, most importantly, the author must be heard and understood. Preservation of a linguistic image is also a requirement for translation of a literary text. Among other things, knowledge of cultural characteristics of peoples, their mentality, traditions and lifestyle help a translator in the process of work. However, we must not forget about an important factor that can affect the perception of the original and subsequently affect the quality of the translation. Each of us has a certain set of psychological characteristics that somehow affect our lives, our views and beliefs. The translator is no exception. The choice of a word, the creation of a semantic image hides the personality, temperament and portrait of a translator. As a result of all these components, a translator’s own idiostyle appears. The purpose of the article is to analyze reflections of personal characteristics of professional translators and students (at the Department of Foreign Languages of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev) in translation of fiction on the example of Ray Bradbury’s work “Fahrenheit 451”. Methodology includes analysis of psychological and linguistic literature on the research problem, a method of lexicographic and contextual analysis, conduction of a survey, statistical processing of the data obtained. Conclusions. During the study, it was revealed that the choice of vocabulary, the usage of translation transformations, the interpretation of various linguistic units largely depends on a person’s character, temperament, worldview, emotions, and imagination. The same word can be understood in different ways. This trend can be traced not only among those who are professionally engaged in translation, but also among those who are just getting on this path.

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