
The concept of the “Russian world” has been actualized at present due to the recent geopolitical events but its origins are found already in the early specimens of the Old Russian texts. Gradually, the theme of the “Russian world” became prominent in the Russian literature. It is specifically expressed in the monuments that tell us about the crucial moments in the history of Russia as they also focus on the historical destiny of the state. The theme of the “Russian world” in the texts of the XIV–XV centuries becomes acute because of the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo and the idea of unification of the Russian state under the leadership of Moscow. The Russian world in the monuments of that period is a specific civilizational space, the geographical centre of which is transferred from Kiev to Moscow.
 The image of a strong ruler, the leader of the Russian world, is idealized in the literature. Dmitry Donskoy appears in the texts as such a ruler. The literary texts of the XIV–XV centuries describe a particular person who serves the Fatherland. In the Zadonshchina and the Tale of Mamai’s Debacle, the idea of the unity of the entire Russian world against the enemy comes to the fore and is reflected in the spatial organization of texts, the all-Russian geography, the juxtaposition of time layers which testifies to the commonality of history and succession of generations, and in the appearance of the motive of sacrifice for the peaceful future. In the Song about the Life of <…> Dmitry Donskoy, the Duke is a successor of his great ancestors who possesses high moral and spiritual qualities, which, in the author’s understanding, a true person of the Russian world should possess. The Life of Sergius of Radonezh focuses on the spiritual protection of the Saint over Russia and his significant role in uniting the Russian lands. The Three Messages <…>. of Kirill Belozersky contains proposals for the arrangement of the renewed Russian world. With help of the monuments, we can distinguish characteristic features of the Russian world: the commonality of history, the independence of the state, the Christianity, fortitude, courage, and sacrifice in the name of the Fatherland.

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