
The migration of the population in the Republic of Korea as one of the demographic indicators, along with the birth rate, mortality, natural increase, life expectancy, has undergone great changes during the twentieth century and, especially, in the last decades. The article is devoted to the study of various factors influencing the migration processes taking place in the Republic of Korea - these are historical, political, and socio-economic factors that determined the migration situation, a change in the direction of migration flows occurring in the country. The work focuses on both external migration processes, reflecting interstate relations, and internal migration processes, which reflect the level of government attention to the state as a whole, as well as the socio-economic development of individual regions, improving ties between provinces, central regions and capital cities of the country. When regulating external migration, it is taken into account that migrants can be citizens of both Korean origin and from other countries, therefore, special visas are provided for citizens of different categories to enter the country: for work, study, marriage, etc. Regulating internal migration, the government seeks to maintain a balance in the resettlement of the population throughout the country.

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