
The subject of the study is the effectiveness of providing the regional economy (on the example of a typical subject for Central Russia – the Voronezh Region) with personnel, taking into account demographic development trends. The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the impact of demographic processes (which should become the basis for a significant adjustment of the dynamics of the values of the calculated indicators of the main parameters of the labor market and employment, including the forecast of the economy’s staffing) on the staffing of enterprises at the level of the Russian regions. The scientific novelty consists in substantiating the need to increase labor productivity as the most effective tool for countering negative demographic trends that cause a reduction in the number and complexity of the structure of labor resources. The authors use methods of analysis, argumentation, logical constructions and modeling, systematization and classification, analogy, abstraction, induction and deduction, description. In the course of the study, the authors come to the following results and conclusions: regional strategies related to human resources management should be developed on the basis of population size and structure forecasts; at the regional level, it is necessary to develop a long-term demographic policy concept that is scientifically sound and approved by the expert community; in modern socio-demographic conditions, a significant part of the region’s enterprises are experiencing an unmet need for personnel, which is not fully compensated by the introduction of new technologies and robotics; labor productivity growth as an integral part of digitalization and intensification of the economy in the face of significant demographic losses is the most effective way to solve the problem of staffing enterprises and organizations; the policy aimed at overcoming the imbalances of the regional labor market and ensuring structural compliance of the demand for labor and its supply should be comprehensive, including changes in the structure and quality of vocational education; effective regulation of regional labor markets is impossible without the use of a socio-demographic approach based on design and program mechanisms, taking into account the regional specifics of the reproduction of labor resources; in the current conditions of increased demographic risks, the possibilities of solving the most complex socio-economic and socio-political tasks facing Russia without ensuring labor productivity growth and intensification of the economy as a whole are limited.

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