
The increased intensity of international migration flows affects the need to record citizenship, ethnicity, nationality in statistical aggregates. Active migration shows the need for changes in the approach to taking into account the ethnic structure of the population and the flows of permanent and labor international migration. The results of the analysis of statistical records of citizenship and ethnic structure of the population and migrants in Russia and some foreign countries are presented in the article. The analysis of accounting indicators in Russia is based on official sources of the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. The information of these organizations makes it possible to analyze the ethnic component of international migration flows. The paper analyzes the approaches to accounting for the ethno-demographic characteristics of migrants at the federal level. It is shown that during the current registration, migrants indicate their citizenship and country of birth, as well as their nationality and religion by self-determination. However, in official publications, data on migration are narrowed down to the item “Citizenship”. Based on the approach about the likely mobility of ethnic self-identification, the set of variables for specifying the socio-cultural characteristics of both the resident population and foreign citizens could include several indicators. Based on the analysis of the experience of foreign countries in the development of questions on the ethno-demographic characteristics of the population, the authors propose, in the framework of the census of the Russian Federation, to consider the possibility of including additional data on the place of birth of the respondent's father and mother. The request for this information does not contradict the constitutional law, however, it will allow obtaining more correct data on the ethnic and cultural roots of the person being rewritten for analysis. Nationality based on self-identification is included in the list of issues in the All-Russian Population Census. However, the authors propose the issue of nationality in the migration registration card. This is due to the fact that now operational accounting does not take into account changes in the national composition of the country and its individual regions, which limits the possibilities of implementing a balanced ethnopolitics.

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