
Purpose. The aim of the study is to identify the reasons for the decrease in the productivity of dump trucks in the conditions of the Yemelyanovskoye open pit. In the course of the study, data on the movement and maintenance of BelAZ 548 dump trucks in the conditions of the Yemelyanovsky quarry were analyzed. Data processing was carried out by statistical methods. Methods. The publication provides statistical data on the distribution of time for the operations of the cycle of the BelAZ 548 dump truck in the conditions of the Yemelyanovskoye open pit. This type of dump truck is paired with an EKG-5A excavator, which has a bucket volume of 5 m3. In connection with the long-term operation of dump trucks at the Yemelyanovsky quarry, the time spent on the repair of BelAZ is 18…25 % of the calendar time fund. The existing system of maintenance and repair of mining trucks is characterized by the fact that from 8760…8784 hours of the annual calendar fund, the productive time averages 2500…3600 hours, while for 1 hour of productive work of dump trucks, the repair downtime ranges from 0,3…1,1 hours. The production base of the Yemelyanovsky quarry allows for repair work, but in the absence of original spare parts, the dump trucks very quickly return to the repair shops. Also, the performance of dump trucks is affected by the changing conditions of the functioning of vehicles leading to overloads of units and parts of dump trucks. When constructing a mathematical model of the aging dynamics of BelAZ-548 vehicles with a carrying capacity of 40 tons, it was assumed that the output parameters are independent, with the help of which the failure parameter λ(t) changes. Results. Scientific novelty: for the first time for the Yemelyanovsky quarry, the dependence of the performance of the BelAZ 548 dump truck on the transportation distance, which has a linear character, was obtained. And for the first time, the dependence of the failure parameter λ (t) of BelAZ-548 dump trucks on the service life t, which is described by a logarithmic function, was established. Practical significance: it was found that the main breakdowns of BelAZ 548, which make up 90% of all malfunctions, are breakdowns of the engine, drive axle, suspension system, wheels and tires, electrical equipment, transmission system and brake system. Key words: dump truck, downtime, breakdowns, failure parameter, work cycle.

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