
The Rostov region ranks second in the Russian Federation in terms of the volume of products produced, yielding only to the Krasnodar Territory, while the region is in the zone of risky agriculture, which hinders the production of crop products. A significant part of the region's territory is occupied by agricultural land, therefore, the condition and quality has not only environmental, but also economic significance. Over the past 10 years in the Rostov region, there has been an orientation towards the production of grain crops in all categories of farms, which leads to the need to develop not only effective, but also rational methods and technologies of land use. When analyzing data on yields, fertilization and the amount of grain products produced, it can be concluded that the volume of production is influenced by the yield and the amount of fertilizers applied, 84.1% of the total area of the region is treated with mineral fertilizers. The lands of the Rostov region are subject to natural erosion (water and wind), and also constantly experience anthropogenic influence: plowing of the territory, irrigation, use of pastures. This attitude leads to a decrease in land potential, a decrease in soil productivity, dehumification, erosion, etc. conditions. Researchers of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution FRANTS are engaged in developments in the field of technologies for growing crops, agriculture, and plant protection. In the scientific center, highly productive varieties of grain and leguminous crops have been bred, recommendations have been developed for soil treatment, fertilization, methods of combating weeds, plant diseases and pests, tests of new progressive equipment and technologies for cultivating agricultural crops are being carried out. Everything that forms rational land use. The article discusses the main structural changes in the distribution of sown land by major crops. The research carried out made it possible to determine the principles of rational land use, which are based on the use of modern soil protection technologies and scientific achievements in the field of plant growing, agriculture, and plant protection.

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