
The article provides a legal analysis of the activities of local governments to combat smoking. It is highlighted that local governments, within their competence: control the implementation ofrelevant programs to prevent and reduce the use of tobacco products and their harmful effects on public health; contribute to the solution of issues of financial and logistical support of measures and works, aimed at limiting the use of tobacco products, as well as reducing their harmful effects on the health of the population, including annually, when forming the relevant budgets, they monitor the implementation of preventive and therapeutic measures within the relevant administrative-territorial unit to restrict the use of tobacco products, reduce their harmful effects on the health of the population, determine the smoking-free places. It is noted that the municipal police are actively involved in drawing up administrative protocols on smoking in prohibited places. It is noted that local governments exercise control over the implementation of preventive and therapeutic measures within the respective administrative-territorial unit, restricting the use of tobacco products, and reducing their harmful effects on public health. It is concluded that since local governments independently decide on the creation, closure, reorganization or re- profiling of health care institutions, they can create the appropriate conditions and develop infrastructure to assist in smoking cessation. It is noted that in order to really influence the change in the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of schoolchildren regarding the use of tobacco products, it is necessary to ensure the constant availability of the necessary information in the media space. Against this background, local governments can oblige educational institutions to take the following measures: weekly conduct information campaigns to ban smoking; register students in school who use tobacco products and use electronic cigarettes (with a view to referring them to a healthcare professional); install healthy lifestyle posters in every classroom of the school, as well as disseminate information about the harmful effects of smoking on human health, etc.

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