
Training of a mathematics teacher in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard “Teacher” (pedagogical activity in preschool, primary General, basic General, secondary General education) (educator, teacher) can be carried out in various forms of training: full-time, part-time, remotely. The additional professional educational program of professional training is developed in accordance with the requirements for the minimum content and level of professional training of students for obtaining the additional qualification “Teacher”. The work discusses the use of methodological tasks aimed at forming the competence skills of a mathematics teacher, as well as the features of modular training of students of the program of additional professional training “Teaching mathematics and informational technologies”. The issue of modular training in the educational process remains controversial. The analysis of the implementation of the program of additional training, conducted by the author, allows to consider modular training and the solution of methodological tasks as a motivating mechanism for independent work of students. This approach helps to form certain skills of a math teacher in a short time. Students of the program conduct self-monitoring and get the opportunity to learn the mathematics’ teaching methods in a shorter time. The system of methodological tasks is developed on the basis of such skills of mathematics teachers as design, constructive, organizational, gnostic, and communicative. The complexity of the tasks depends on both the mathematical content and the methodological content. Some agreements are accepted to determine the complexity and problems of the tasks. The degree of information structure affects the determination of the level of problem. The pedagogical experiment, the results of which are present in the paper, was conducted in Kemerovo State University.

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