
Background : due to the high risk of development of multiple somatic and mental comorbidities in elderly and senile inpatients, — search and development of resultative and cost-efficient organizational forms of specialized medical care for this patient population takes on great importance in the context of healthcare reform. The aim : was to investigate the characteristics of the patient population of psychosomatic geriatric unit in multi-specialty hospital as a background for development and adoption of organizational form model of hospital care. Material and methods : material of the study was the data from healthcare records of 463 patients, admitted to geriatric psychosomatic unit in multi-specialty hospital. Obtained data were analyzed with the use of clinical epidemiological method and further statistical processing with the purpose of unification. Results : during hospitalization period clinical signs of confusion were presented in 92,3% patients (427 patients) of all age groups. The incidence of confusion showed statistically significant association with patient age: patients aged 50–59 years presented confusion in 78,6% cases, patients aged 60–74 years — in 81,1% cases, patients aged 75 and older — in 96,5%. Correlation between age and average daily dosage of 4 medications: chlorprothixene, risperidone, «Phenazepam» and «Mexidol» was defined. Data integration revealing multiple somatic and mental comorbidities was held. Conclusion : patients of tertiallypsychosomanic geriatric unit is a unique patient population determined with old age and a combination of somatic and mental comorbid disorders, requiring multidisciplinary approach in delivering specialized health care.

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