
The article is devoted to consideration of organizational principles of realization of social inclusion. The purpose of the study is to analyze the peculiarities of the implementation of social inclusion in the labor market of Ukraine. The relevance of the study is due to the constant transformation of the modern labor market in Ukraine, which is due to the needs of consumers, foreign economic ties, intellectualization of production, the ratio of supply and demand, the quality of the personnel of enterprises, institutions and organizations, etc. These factors affect the change in industrial relations, the range of subjects of which is constantly changing. Accordingly, there is a mutual reorientation of the needs of consumers of the labor market and offers of commodity producers and service providers. The features of the implementation of social inclusion were determined by studying the scientific literature and analyzing the legal acts that made it possible to generalize on the specified problem. In the course of scientific research, it is determined that the state regulatory documents of Ukraine are based on international regulatory legal acts and establish requirements and principles relating to the functioning of state structures and relations on social inclusion, regulate and establish the equality of rights and opportunities of all citizens. In addition, the availability of the necessary logistics and the creation of unhindered and safe working conditions serve as determining factors in the labor choice in the labor market. Potential employers should focus on ensuring barrier-free for their employees or consumers of the services offered, as this affects labor productivity, economic results of enterprises. It is proved that social inclusion excludes any discrimination on health grounds and implies a tolerant attitude towards all people who have special needs. The materials of the article have scientific value for scientists, applicants for education and specialists who focus on inclusive processes in society.

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