
The recreational potential of the territory is the functional basis of recreation and, in a certain sense, its constituent part. That is, recreational potential is a set of natural, cultural-historical and socio-economic prerequisites for the organization of recreational activities in a certain territory. The basis of the assessment of the recreational potential of the territory is the analysis of the role of all recreational resources in the formation of certain branches of recreation, as well as the identification of promising recreational resources, their influence on the creation of new types of recreation, and also shows that its qualitative and quantitative parameters in combination with socio-geographical factors are important objective prerequisites for the development of the recreational complex. This article examines the natural factors that are part of the tourist potential of the Kobleve territorial community. The main attractions, which can be used to identify the most attractive aspects of the studied territory, and which are expedient to use in the development strategy of the area, are highlighted. A comprehensive geographical description of natural objects involved in the tourism sphere within the studied territory was carried out. Brief information about the Kobleve territorial community is provided. This study showed that the available natural resources, characteristic of the territory of the community, are the foundation as a whole for forming the image of the entire region. Also added is a description of natural objects in the adjacent territories, which can potentially be included in tourist routes organized for visitors to the area. The geography of resorts is expanding. The tendency to increase the resorts in the south of Ukraine, the competition among offers on the tourist market requires the latest approaches in the management of tourist activities, both among local self-government bodies and businesses. A satisfied and ecologically educated guest is expected as a result of such interaction. In general, the dynamics of transformations taking place in Ukraine require fundamentally new approaches to planning the development of all branches of the Mykolaiv region, and even more so for those recognized as priority in the region. Tourism is one of the significant industries of the Mykolaiv region.

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