
The modern industry of constructional materials includes more than twenty independent sub-sectors, many of which include several types of production. Each sub-sector serves its own markets that operate independently and form a global market of constructional materials. The role and place of the global market of construction materials in the construction industry as its main infrastructural element were discovered in the article. The features of the functioning of the global market construction materials and its current state and development prospects are analyzed. The range of economic prerequisites determining global changes in the construction industry is considered. Special focus on the problems of the functioning of the global market of construction materials and the impact of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The relevance of the issue of creating business models for the development of human capital of enterprises in the construction industry is substantiated. The ways of adaptation of the subjects of the global market of construction materials to new challenges are analyzed. Possibilities for further restructuring of the world-building materials market have been identified. Revolutionary changes are observed in the construction industry in general and the global building materials market in particular, and these changes affect each chain of the value creation system of construction projects. As a result of the analysis of the challenges facing the global construction industry, expected the adaptation of the players in the construction market will lead to a fundamental change in the modern construction process from a project-oriented approach to a product-focused approach. Construction business models will increasingly be digitized. The construction industry will acquire the characteristics of industries such as shipbuilding or automotive. The consolidation of the construction industry and the unification of manufacturers of building materials under the auspices of large construction corporations would be quite logical. The construction materials production process will become more environmentally friendly in the nearest future, and supply chains will be more energy-efficient. The restructuring of the construction market will lead to the exclusion of companies that cannot adapt quickly enough to changes in the industry.

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