
There are many approaches to the formation of the educational field in the area of media communications. The relevance of the opening of a new direction of training "Media Communication" at the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture is substantiated. The purpose of training specialists in the field of media communications is considered. The types and tasks of bachelor's and master's degree training in the field of "Media Communication" are presented. The range of disciplines and the specifics of training media specialists at the higher educational institute of culture are defined. The features of the research activities of bachelors and masters are revealed. Promising areas of research on the development of media communications as a scientific field are highlighted. The research activities of undergraduates are aimed at writing a master's thesis, the extensive topics of which are of scientific and applied importance. The educational program reflects current trends in the digitalization of society and includes disciplines aimed at the digital culture of future specialists for bachelors and masters.

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