
In ubiquitous computing environments, users want to receive the robot services regardless of various physical status or devices such as time, place, various sensors, and high-performance servers. Thus, the ubiquitous service robots have to provide users with automated services according to situational information that they properly recognize. Beyond these problems, robot software has to establish a foundation to support the functions with the network infrastructure that are not able to be solved by a single independent resource. On the basis of a robot middleware that is capable of minimizing dependencies among hierarchy structures, the robot software also has to provide execution environment to control the flow of robot application services. In this paper, we propose a layered architecture to provide users with automated services through ubiquitous robots. The proposed architecture is based on CAWL (Context-Aware Workflow Language) and RSEL (Robot Services Execution Language). CAWL easily represents the flow of robot services from user application service levels, and RSEL is able to support the composition and reusability of robot services through abstraction of robot device services. In our experiments, we applied the proposed architecture to an example of "booth guide robot service".

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