
Introduction. For the first time, the article presents a detailed biography of the governor of Tsaritsyn, Ivan Stepanovich Ostrenev. Previously published information about him was fragmentary. Nothing was known about his practical activities during the Time of Troubles. Methods and materials. Based on an analysis of a wide range of published documentary sources, the author explores the main stages of the life of this serviceman in his homeland from Nizhny Novgorod. The research is based on the voivods’ formal responses, rank records, scribal descriptions, food and expense books of various orders. In the study of the biography of I.S. Ostrenev used the method of historical and psychological observations and a synchronous research method focused on determining the relationship between various phenomenons and events. Analysis. The article provides an analysis of all, very scanty, information about this voivode contained in the works of domestic researchers, including a local historian of Tsaritsyn. One of the reasons of the poor coverage of the biography of I.S. Ostrenev, according to the author, is the different spelling of his surname in the sources. Many previously unknown facts of his biography have been restored. Results. It was found that he was originally a Kurmish dweller, in the Time of Troubles he became a quarter of the Nizhny Novgorod Cheta and a streletsky head in Nizhny Novgorod. Then he was seen in the campaign to Astrakhan against the ataman Zarutsky as part of the army of Prince I.N. Odoevsky. The pinnacle of I.S. Ostrenev was appointed him as a governor in Tsaritsyn.

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