
The article analyzes the principles of formation of axiological competence of specialists in the field of culture and art, briefly considers the existing approaches to theoretical and practical training of specialists in the field of culture and art, as well as the problem of their professional development. The influence of professional training on the formation of students' spiritual values during the internship and readiness for further creative activity is determined. The formation of axiological competence of future specialists in the field of culture and arts depends on the ways of organizing educational and cognitive activities, personal position of the teacher, the introduction of interactive forms of work, innovative methods and teaching aids. It is valuable that in the modern art educational environment, future specialists in the field of culture and arts perform the functions of information translators, organizers and managers of cultural and artistic events. According to this approach, the goal of professional departments of higher education in the field of art ought be prepare students to study and substantiate the facts seen by artists and creative personalities, and what they felt in the process of creating works of art, music, art, theater and choreography. The formation of axiological competence occurs under the use of innovative methods that provide optimal opportunities to achieve educational and creative goals, namely: the method of illustration of musical art, musical generalization, contrast and comparison, interpretation of musical art, empathy, observation of musical action, emotional influence, etc. The effectiveness of axiological competence largely depends on the availability of quality musical instruments, source base, use of computer programs and «cloud» services, multimedia in the study of professional and varied disciplines aimed at training future professionals in culture and arts. Key words: competence, axiological competence, spirituality, specialists in the field of culture and arts, theoretical and practical training

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