
The main cause of diseases of juicy fruit storage are microscopic fungi. To limit the development of phytopathogenic fungi on fruits, the most important is the organization of control against them during the growing season. In order to improve the appearance of fruits and delay their spoilage, after harvesting often use the application of an artificial layer on their surface. Substances such as methyl jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, chitosan, alginate are inducers of systemic acquired plant resistance to disease and are also sometimes used to protect fruits from storage diseases. The aim of the study was to study the effect of processing polysaccharide compositions on the microflora of cherry fruits after storage. The research was conducted during 2016−2019 on the basis of the research station of pomology named after LP Symyrenko IS NAAS with cherries of Alfa varieties, which were sprayed with a solution of 100 mg/l of salicylic acid the day before harvest; 1% chitosan with salicylic acid (100 mg/l). Also, the selected fruits were washed with water and immersed in 5% sodium alginate solutions for 1−2 minutes, according to the options: without treatment (control) and treated with sodium alginate solutions of 5% concentration. After that, the fruits were dried for 30 min by blowing with air created artificially by a fan at 25 ° C, packaged and stored at a temperature of 1±0.5°C and a relative humidity of 95±1%. Microbiological control was carried out according to the standards: the number of mesophilic aerobic and optionally anaerobic microorganisms according to GOST 10444.15; molds and yeasts according to GOST 10444.12. After storage, the amount of epiphytic microflora of fruits increased to 1.3 ∙ 103 CFU/g. Spraying cherry fruits with a solution of chitosan with salicylic acid made it possible to reduce the growth rate of MAFANM by 5.2 times compared to the control. Treatment of cherry fruits with sodium alginate helped to reduce the number of epiphytic microflora by 4.2 times. Pre-treatment of cherries before storage helped to stop the growth of yeast and the appearance of mold. In the control version, their number was at the level of 1.26 ∙ 103 CFU / g. In the experimental variants, it decreased by 3.7–6.3 times. The smallest amount remained in cherry fruits treated with a solution of chitosan with salicylic acid. Given the high percentage of spoilage of fruits after harvest, transportation and storage, the prospect of further research will be to continue research on the use of post-harvest treatment of fruits with polysaccharide compositions on their microflora during storage.

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