
The modern development of international business creates new conditions for the effective functioning of business entities on international markets. First of all, this concerns the constant and steady increase in the volume of financing of foreign economic operations, which, in turn, requires the search for optimal methods and sources, among which leasing occupies a significant place. In Ukraine, the urgency of the development of leasing is determined by the need for technical re-equipment and renewal of the fixed assets of enterprises, the level of wear and tear of which is approximately 80%. The vast majority of Ukrainian enterprises are unable to carry out technical renewal of production with their own funds. Therefore, there is an objective need to develop the leasing business. The article analyzes the current trends of the global leasing market and the market of Ukraine, identifies problems and prospects for development, develops recommendations for improving the methodical support of the organization of leasing operations in the field of foreign economic activity. The historical experience of the development of leasing in many countries confirms its important role in the renewal of production, the expansion of product sales, and the activation of investment activities. Leasing can become especially attractive in connection with the introduction of tax and depreciation benefits. Leasing can become especially attractive in connection with the introduction of tax and depreciation benefits. Leasing operations are in great demand on the world market, as they provide certain advantages for all participants in the agreement. Today, Ukrainian leasing companies are unable to fully meet the aggregate demand for this type of financial services, therefore, for Ukraine, the use of international leasing as the main element of updating equipment and production facilities is extremely important. International financial leasing provides enterprises with the opportunity to modernize equipment and thereby increase their efficiency and competitiveness. Therefore, the relevance of the study is determined by the need to use international financial leasing as a means of updating the company's main production assets.

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