
Introduction. The study of language planning and policy (LPP) involves the cross-disciplinary interaction of applied linguistics and political science. The need for this is increasing especially in relation to the regulatory and organizational aspects of language regulation in the conditions of modern Russia. Methods and materials. The authors use the techniques of systems analysis and approaches of political institutionalism: normative, rational choice, theory of organizations, historical, constructivist, network. To study the materials of official documents and legislative acts, the method of textual analysis is used. Academic works of foreign and Russian authors are used through the prism of discourse analysis. Materials related to the activities of agencies and actors in the field of LPP, characterized from a structural and functional point of view. Analysis. The normative and agentive properties of LPP in the modern conditions of Russia and its regions are considered by the authors of the article through analytical procedures proposed by foreign scientists. Many developments from Englishlanguage works in this area can be adapted to the tasks of studying political-linguistic relations, taking Russian specifics into account. The ratio of institutional and conversational types of linguistic interactions is considered as a subject of linguistic pragmatics. The main subject of analysis is formal regulatory complexes and agencies specializing in this area. The analysis undertaken by the authors of the article leads to the conclusion that there is no sustainable institutional LPP model in the Russian situation. This applies, in particular, to the de facto and de jure characteristics of bilingualism as a strategic priority proclaimed at the beginning of the 20 th century. In the latest official texts, the emphasis is on strengthening the position of the Russian language. Further, the body of Russian and regional legal acts is marked by features of rhetoric and excessive symbolism. The prospects for institutionalization here are associated with overcoming such normative dysfunctions. Results. The article draws conclusions about the desirability of conceptualizing LPP within the framework of a separate state doctrinal document, as well as a system of information support and implementation of the principles of language cultivation and management.


  • The study of language planning and policy (LPP) involves the cross-disciplinary interaction of applied linguistics and political science

  • The authors use the techniques of systems analysis and approaches of political institutionalism

  • Russian authors are used through the prism of discourse analysis

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Наиль Мидхатович Мухарямов

Исследование принципов и способов управленческого воздействия на языковое устройство общества, на состояние социально-коммуникативных отношений и сред – это кросс-дисциплинарная область научных интересов. Хауген писал в конце 1950-х гг., что языковое планирование – «это один из видов языковой политики, и потому нуждается в прозрениях политической науки относительно путей и возможностей завоевания доверия руководимых», также, как и антропологии, социологии, психологии, этики и философии. Связанные с деятельностью агентств и акторов в области языковой политики и планирования, характеризуются со структурно-функциональной точки зрения. Возможности применения институциональных подходов к проблематике политико-языковых отношений и властно-управленческому регулированию языковой жизни какого бы то ни было общества следует оценивать не в абсолютных или безусловных категориях. Связанные с этим подходы обладают двоякой логикой, когда институциональность видится как интегральная характеристика языковой политики в целом, и – соответствующая модель трактуется в качестве одного из структурных элементов всего комплекса – регистра – политико-языкового регулирования:.

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