
The article describes the features of scientific Ukrainian as a prerequisite for thepreparation of a perfect scientific text and the successful presentation of the results ofscientific research.To ensure the communicative excellence of speech (the accuracy and logic ofpresentation and their compulsory component – linguistic normality), each specialistshould use different levels of language. To achieve this goal, post-graduate students areto learn to analyze scientific, popular science texts at the lexical, lexico-semantic,stylistic and grammatical levels, to edit, reduce (compress) texts, to construct elementsof expression, taking into account the proposed speech situation. Properly selected textwill help to form the ability to first correctly compose secondary scientific texts (notes,НАУКОВІ ЗАПИСКИ НДУ ім. М. ГОГОЛЯ65abstract, report), and then to prepare for writing your own scientific text, for example, adissertation.The linguistic culture of scientific work largely reflects the general culture of its author.The most characteristic feature of written scientific language is the formal-logical way ofpresenting material.Phraseology aims, on the one hand, to determine logical connections between parts ofutterances, on the other hand, to denote certain concepts, being, in essence, scientific terms.Written scientific language has purely stylistic features as well. Objectivity ofpresentation is its main stylistic feature. Hence the presence in the text of insert wordsand phrases to indicate the degree of authenticity of the message.The style of written scientific language is an impersonal monologue. Therefore, thepresentation is usually done by a third person, because the focus is on the content andlogical consistency of the message, not the subject.The forms of reflection of results of scientific researches are: forms of presentation ofmaterials of research and scientific publications (publications, scientific journal, scientificabstract, information abstract, monograph, thesis); forms of coverage of the results ofscientific work and reflection of the results of research (abstracts); verbal communicationof scientific results (colloquium, symposium, conference, discussion).

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