
The article deals with the formation of local administration with the participation of the municipal council. In the Russian Federation, a controversial practice has developed, when in some municipalities, the charters of which were not challenged in the prescribed manner in court, the representative body agrees on the appointment of certain officials of the local administration, and in other municipalities, the provisions of the charters of which were declared invalid by the court, - such agreement is prohibited. Taking into account the special significance of the range of regulated public relations, I believe that the issues of forming a local administration with the participation of a representative body must be regulated centrally - at the level of federal law, in order to ensure a uniform procedure for the formation of local administrations throughout the state. The problem of municipal positions in empowering the local administration is raised, a proposal is formulated to improve legislation. The paper proposes the introduction of municipal positions into the structure of the local administration, the replacement and termination of which would be carried out with the participation of a representative body. Such an approach would make it possible, without reforming the legislation on the municipal service, to replace the most significant positions of the municipal service in the structure of the local administration with similar municipal positions, providing for the institutions of approval for the position and expression of no confidence on the part of the representative body. Such a model would allow consolidating the positions of the local administration and the representative body in resolving the most significant issues of the municipal economy. At the same time, the appearance of municipal positions in the structure of local administration would look harmonious in those municipalities in which the head of the municipality is appointed to the post by a representative body.

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