
One of the key factors in building regional competitiveness in modern conditions is human development. The purpose of the article is the study of modern classic methods of current and strategic monitoring and their extrapolation to the field of human development in the terms of the regional economy. In the process of research, methods of abstraction were applied when outlining the main indicators characterizing the current or strategic state of the human potential of the region; methods of strategic analysis, comparison techniques and others. The article reveals the problem of assessing human development as a factor in the formation of regional competitiveness on the basis of monitoring, which is proposed to be carried out in two directions: both current and strategic. The current monitoring is aimed at researching the state of development of the region and its human potential in a retrospective plan. This type of monitoring contributes to the identification of emerging trends and their assessment. Strategic monitoring is based on strategic analysis methods, among which the SPACE-analysis adapted to the field of human development deserves attention. To conduct strategic research, it is recommended to use the method of expert assessments, and to do this, invite highly qualified specialists in the field of regional competitiveness and human development. Based on the results of the SPACE-analysis, one of the strategies of human development is diagnosed: aggressive, competitive, conservative or defensive. Monitoring of strategic positioning allows not only to assess the strategic position of human development, but also to identify which indicators determine its position. The strategy is determined on the coordinate scale, where four vectors are highlighted. Two of them characterize the human potential of the region (the financial strength of human potential and its competitive advantages), and the other two - its external environment, which includes the stability of the regional economy and the attractiveness of the region. The practical significance of the proposed methodology is to provide regional management with objective information for making management decisions.

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