
Objective: Optimization of surgical treatment of patients with distal forms of hypospadias with insufficient or complete absence of prepuce. Materials and methods: The study material consisted of 12 patients who sought medical help for distal hypospadias in the period from 2020 to 2023. All patients were males, the average age of the patients was 5.6±1.2 years. Initially, three patients applied, after performing other types of surgery - 3 patients. Results: Regarding the engraftment of transplanted flaps, it can be said that in all 12 cases a normal regenerative process was noted. At the same time, in three cases, at the initial stage after the operation, there were signs of circulatory disorders, which were easily eliminated by relaxing the sutures, as well as using heparin ointment. Urofluometry indicators indicated a significant improvement in urodynamics in the postoperative period, the stability of which was confirmed by a second study one month and three months after the surgical intervention. Conclusion: The described technique significantly improves urodynamic parameters, and also reduces the frequency of relapses to a minimum.

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