
The article provides information on the ASF epizootic, and control measures taken. The most likely reason for the introduction of the disease, considering the distance from the nearest foci of the disease, is the anthropogenic factor. The unregulated growth of the wild boar population against the background of poorly controlled movement of pig products from affected areas leads to an increased risk of the virus introduction into the population of the wild susceptible animals. The control strategy adopted by the competent authorities of Italy includes a zonal principle for the selection and implementation of a set of measures. The main control approaches are depopulation of pigs in the unprotected pig sector (PSF), restriction of wild boar migration with the help of fences, as well as active search and removal of carcasses of wild boars, followed by local depopulation of wild boar in the infected zone, reduction of its density in the threatened zone along with measures aimed at early detection of the disease, and enhanced biosecurity measures.

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