
The economy is a key element in the lives of individuals, societies and nations, which is why maintaining economic stability is considered one of the most important national challenges. Today, countries face serious global challenges, including climate change, terrorism and political strife, making a resilient and secure economy particularly important. Economic security at the state level is a complex set of socio-economic factors, encompassing everything from production processes to potential threats to the economy. Developing effective measures to protect national interests in the economy is a critical task for Russia, which aspires to leadership in the global economy and geopolitics. This study used the methods of documentary analysis, statistical analysis, legislative research and comparative methodology. The article analyzes international and national strategies to ensure economic security, including the situation in Russia. The criteria for assessing the state management of the economy, as well as the associated problems and risks are summarized. Finally, based on foreign experience, recommendations for improving economic security management in Russia are presented. The recommendations emphasize the importance of innovations and strategies to ensure economic equilibrium and security in a world changing under the influence of globalization processes. The article will be of interest to economists, politicians, researchers of global risk problems, as well as students and teachers of economic disciplines studying the issues of national economic security and public economic management.

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