
The article notes that the growing popularity of healthy lifestyles contributes to the increase in consumption of fruits and berries. At the same time, the analysis of the dynamics of the gardening industry for 2000-2018 shows that the problem of providing fresh fruits and berries to the population remains one of the most important. Based on actual data, linear and logarithmic models of time series of key industry indicators for the period 2010 – 2019 have been compiled. Calculations showed that in the Russian Federation as a whole the trend of reduction of sown areas of perennial fruit plantations will continue with growth of yield and gross fees. In this regard, the issues of distribution and introduction of gardens of intensive type are updated. An overview of the views of domestic scientists-gardeners on the concept of “intensive garden” is given. It has been established that the distribution of intensive gardens is possible only if there are favorable natural and climatic conditions and a developed scientific and production base of nursery management. The current state and problems of gardening in one of the leading regions – the Republic of Dagestan - are considered. A significant technological lag of region in the further development of intensive horticulture has been identified. Various directions of intensification process in horticulture as the main and necessary condition of growth of efficient and sustainable production are summarized.

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