
The article deals with topical issues of innovation as a decisive factor in social and economic development. The emphasis is made on the need for large-scale introduction of qualitatively new technologies that would provide solutions to the urgent problems of Ukraine's recovery, since only the support of science by the state, business and society that meets national goals can ensure the revival of the country on the basis of modern scientific achievements. It is determined that the present requires the state to develop and solve a set of new, mainly socio-economic, security, environmental and other problems that require revision of the priorities of scientific and technical policy. Therefore, the core of the scientific, technical and innovation policy of the state should be the definition of a system of measures and conditions for their implementation, which are aimed at maximizing the socio-economic effect in the long term through the effective use of technology and public intellectual resource. Based on the world experience of successful realization of innovation potential, the conditions for stimulating innovative development are analyzed: a systematic combination of established goals and objectives of state policy; stability of state management of innovative development; regulatory, organizational and resource support of innovative activity; interaction of central and regional authorities in the implementation of innovation policy; equal participation of science, education and business in the process of developing innovative products; restoration and creation of effective and efficient innovation systems. The strategic directions of development of innovation activity in the country, which are legally declared, but in the absence of active policy and breakthroughs in supporting innovation by both the state and business, have not had sufficient practical implementation in recent years, are analyzed. In this regard, the problems of the modern domestic economy are outlined, which require systematic approaches to innovative development, creation of appropriate conditions for the formation of a strong ecosystem that would combine scientific and industrial spheres, intensify international cooperation in the field of innovation, technology transfer and commercialization of innovations.

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