
Purpose. To study the effect of orthokeratological correction (OK-correction) on the indicators of accommodation function and the gradient of myopia progression. Material and methods. We observed 100 patients (200 eyes) aged 6 to 18 years, wearing OK lenses. Patients were divided into subgroups by age: from 6 to 12 years and from 12 to 18 years old. In all patients the reserve of relative accommodation (RRA), the volume of absolute accommodation (VAA) were determined, as well as the eye length by optical biometry. These studies (except for OBM) were performed before fitting the OK-lenses, in 1 month and in 3 months of wearing lenses. OBM was performed on the IOL-Master device (Carl Zeiss, Germany) before the selection of lenses and after 1 year of using them. Results. All patients showed an improvement in the function of the accommodative apparatus and a decrease in the annual gradient of myopia progression: after 1 month of wearing OK-lenses, there was an increase in the RRA value in both age groups at all degrees of myopia. In 3 months of wearing OK-lenses, the RRA value reached the level of the age norm, regardless of the magnitude of the initial ametropia. The vast majority of patients showed an increase in the axial length of the eye. The annual progression gradient in patients of all groups was significantly less than in patients without OK-correction. Conclusions. Orthokeratology is an effective technique that contributes to the correction of functional disorders of accommodation in myopia and reduces the rate of its progression in children and teenagers. Keywords: orthokeratology, myopia, annual gradient of progression, peripheral defocus, optical biometry, accommodation.

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