
The article presents the background of studying the national issue and national relations in the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is one of the largest multinational states of the Asian con-tinent with the population of about 85 million people. The nature of the approach of the power structures representatives to solving the national problems in modern Iranian society not only plays a significant role, but also often determines the ways to overcome emerging conflict situa-tions both in the domestic political and sociocultural spheres, as well as at the level of foreign policy discourse. These problems are among the most acute and least discussed subjects in mod-ern Iran. The primary focus is placed on the works of the Russian scientists, including the spe-cialists in Iranian studies of the Soviet period. However, there are also mentioned the studies by Iranian, American, Israeli researchers, as well as works of some specialists in Iranian studies from the countries of near abroad. Moreover, there are highlighted the works on ethno-confessional problems of modern Iran, which continue to arouse the interest of researchers, de-spite the constantly decreasing number of representatives of these communities in Iranian socie-ty. The analysis of the presented works on the national issues in domestic and foreign Iranian studies allows concluding that the national/ethnic discourse does occupy an important place in Iranian studies of the past and present, and that this tradition will be continued in the future.

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