
Anatoliy Vakhnyanin’s contribution to the development of music education in Eastern Galicia is revealed in the article. The leading directions of the composer’s activity were: pedagogical, publishing, concert and journalistic activity. The basis was the pedagogical work of the artist, which by the nature and content of the work was a progressive social and pedagogical phenomenon, because it contributed to: enriching the content, forms and methods of the educational process by the national element, its scientific and methodological support; development of the idea of the Ukrainian national school and national education, establishment of its principles in practical activity; formation of an extensive network of musical societies; the establishment of the Higher Music Institute as an alternative to similar Polish and German institutions. An important achievement of the composer’s activity was the creation of the first musical societies – expressors of national interests. Thus, in the person of the “Lviv Boyan” in 1891 a society emerged, which had a decisive influence on the further development of music education and upbringing in Eastern Galicia, in particular the founding of the Higher Music Institute in 1903 in Lviv. The pedagogical heritage of the composer has not lost its relevance at the present stage of the development of musical education in Ukraine. Subordinated to the goals of national education, it largely compensated for the lack of music teaching material for children and made a significant contribution to the theory and practice of music-aesthetic education of students. The return of the composer’s spiritual heritage, the use of them in the modern school of Ukraine, will promote the development of the national idea, the formation of national consciousness of the young generations, and thus the cause of strengthening an independent state.

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