
The results of studies on the influence of growth regulators "Vermimag" and "Vermiodis" on pre-sowing seed treatment and spraying of sunflower seeds of the NK Rokki hybrid on the growth and development of plants and seed yield of crops are presented. The study was completed during 2013-2016. Soil on the experimental site soddy, podzolized medium-gravel. Seeds were sown with the norm of 70 thousand/hectare of similar seeds. The total area of the plot is 70 m 2 , the registration area is 50 m 2 . Placement of plots is systematic for a four-time repetition. The study was carried out in accordance with existing generally accepted methods. It was established that the growth regulators of "Vermimag" and "Vermiodis" influenced the size of the leaf surface and the photosynthetic activity of sunflower agrocenoses of the investigated hybrid and the productivity of the culture. The highest growth rates of the leaf surface of 53.7 thousand m 2 /ha, or 15.0 thousand m 2 /ha more control, were observed in the blossoming phase in the pre-seed treatment of the hybrid seedlings with a growth regulator "Vermiodis" at a dose of 4 l/t and spraying of plants during the period of vegetation by the same preparation twice at 4 l/ha. In this variant, the highest accumulation of dry matter was observed - 8.50 t/ha, which is 2.1 t/ha more than the control and the photosynthetic potential of crops was 2.820 million m 2 era/ha, or 0.717 million m 2 era/ha more than in comparison with control. On average, over 4 years of research, it has been found that on the variants of joint application of pre-sowing seed treatment and for single-time spraying by the growth regulator Vermiodis, the productivity of the sunflower of the HP Rocky hybrid increased compared to the control by 12.3 %, for the two spraying - by 16.1 %. Key words: sunflower, regulators of plant growth and development, yield

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