
The aim of the work was to study and evaluate structural changes in the economy of the regions of the North at the present stage of their development (in the period from 2015 to 2019). On the basis of the methodology previously developed by the author for assessing structural shifts, twenty types of economic activity were grouped into two large spheres: production and non-production (services), each consisting of four combined industries. For these economic spheres and industries, an assessment of sectoral and then territorial structural shifts in the period 2015–2019 was carried out. It was found that in the structure of the economy of the regions of the North during this period, the vector of development changed towards an increase in the share of the production sector and a decrease in the non-production sector by 4,4 %, whereas in the previous period 2005–2015, the opposite picture was observed. The high rates of development of the production sector in all regions of the North were revealed, while it grew most rapidly in the West Siberian region due to the extensive development of new gas fields and the construction of new largest LNG complex in the North on the Yamal Peninsula. As a result, the share of GRP in the Northern zone increased in the country from 13,2 % in 2015 to 14,5 % in 2019, and the pace of development was outstripping: 144,6 % versus 129,2 % in the Russian Federation. It is noted that the pace and volume of both sectoral and territorial structural shifts in the production sector in almost all regions of the North zone are almost entirely related to both the scale of investments directed to the development of their economy and the current situation for their resources in the world commodity markets.


  • В ближайшие годы геоэкономическое противостояние и конкурирующие позиции мировых держав в Арктике будут нарастать

  • The Chinese economy has grown at a faster pace, which is a consequence of the unprecedented expansion of China in world markets

  • Использование предложенных форм могло бы служить основой для практической реализации переработки хвостов, образующихся в результате получения апатит-нефелинового концентрата, и для получения в качестве готового продукта неорганических сорбентов, материалов для электроники, герметиков на основе диоксида титана, функциональных редкометалльных соединений, порошков редких металлов для конденсаторной и других отраслей промышленности для их последующего использования и удовлетворения нужд собственного производства или продажи в качестве готовой продукции

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10. Building a New Carbon Economy

An Innovation Plan // Center for Carbon Removal, 2019. URL: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b9362d89d5abb8c51d474f8/t/5b98380721c67ca6485cf282/1536702476 202/ccr02.innovationplan.FNL.pdf (дата обращения: 10.11.2021). Ключи к устойчивому развитию Арктической зоны Российской Федерации: модель циркулярной экономики и логистическая инфраструктура / Н. Е. Инновации и формирование циркулярной экономики как элемент устойчивого развития северных ресурсных регионов // Интерэкспо ГЕО-Сибирь 2020.

22. Towards a Circular Economy
35. Putting CO2 to Use
37. The world has vast capacity to store CO2
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