
The article proposes a discourse about the presence of the eastern vector of Russia's demographic development. Methodological, general philosophical approaches to its definition in the system of demographic and national security of Russia are considered. The concepts of "demographic threat", "threat to demographic development" are analyzed. In a historical retrospective, the errors of refusal in some cases from the eastern vector of development, for geopolitical and demographic development, are considered. It is noted that the eastern territorial communities have long been distinguished by the mentality of a special "magic of the earth", an important factor in demographic and national security. The role of population dynamics and age-sex structure of the population is considered as the most important conditions for ensuring demographic security, a qualitative criterion of demographic well-being, the definition of which was proposed by S. Ryazantsev. The presence of such eastern regions, subject to, according to L.L. Rybakovsky, consistency, scientific validity, efficiency, effectiveness, timeliness, regional, social selectivity of demographic policy measures in these constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the strategy of the eastern vector of Russia's demographic development will continue.

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