
The article analyzes the direction of work of each school as improving the quality of education through the use of innovative technologies at lessons and during extracurricular activities. Therefore, a modern educator must have a thorough knowledge of these technologies and apply them successfully into their lessons. The teacher, using modern technologies, can improve not only physical qualities, but also develop the creative potential of students.Physical education is a part of general education and is therefore characterized by all the common features inherent in a pedagogical process aimed at solving clear real-world problems. The main focus of physical education is the formation of a healthy, mentally prepared, physically advanced and prepared for the future profession of man. High mental load at school, lack of additional motor activity, low mobility of life, poor diet, negatively affects the health of students, the majority of schoolchildren’s eyesight deteriorates, cardiovascular and respiratory activity, metabolism is impaired, the body’s resistance to disease is reduced, which causes their health to deteriorate.In order to promote the children’s health you need to engage the students with a strong interest into exercise at school and at home. First, you need to use all forms of physical education at school, as well as independent exercise at home to improve physical activity, promote health, and improve the physical fitness of students. Physical education of the students on their own is the moral and volitional qualities of the individual, the need for daily exercise, vital motor actions and ability to perform them in various conditions, improved motor qualities. But because of the lack of time allocated to physical education, these issues cannot be resolved by the school alone.

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