
Social economy has been increasingly understood as an alternative solution for regional tourism development, particularly for endogenous tourism development. Therefore, this study discusses the concept of social economy from the perspective of regional tourism development, by theoretically conceptualizing social economy, endogenous tourism development and the relationship between these concepts. The research analyzes interesting cases in which social economy was used for regional development. The results provide several practical implications for tourism policy. First, based on agreement among stakeholders, a region needs to internalize the value of social economy by increasing awareness of social economy as an effective solution for regional development. Second, a region needs to form a spontaneous and cooperative network for endogenous tourism development of a social economy. Third, endogenous tourism development of a social economy can be achieved using social capital, the fairness of market and distribution. Fourth, endogenous tourism development of a social economy requires strengthening the overall ability of a region by training human resources who have good will and entrepreneurship. In addition, governmental support that forms regional tourism ecology and that develops alternative tourism business models is a crucial basis for the endogenous tourism development of social economy.

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