
Object and purpose of research. The object of the study is domestic shipbuilding, its problems and ways to solve them. The article is intended to study the current state of the Russian shipbuilding industry, to investigate the tasks of its further development and to formulate priority measures to stimulate this development. Materials and methods. The solution of the tasks set in the article was carried out on the basis of application of general scientific methods in the framework of comparative, logical and statistical analysis, study of literary sources in regards to the issue in consideration as well as through the study of structures of domestic shipbuilding industries, pricing methods, financial analysis, etc. The material is extensive statistical data on the production programs of shipbuilding yards. Main results. A study of the state of contemporary domestic shipbuilding has been carried out. The analysis of trends in the development of world shipbuilding at the turn of the century allowed us to identify the general directions that form the image of promising Russian shipbuilding technologies. It is concluded that the world level of development of technical and software tools, as well as communication tools, allows us to move to fundamentally new methods of design, construction and support of vessels and ships operation based on a single information space and providing information support for all stages of the ship's life cycle (information support of the life cycle, or CALS-technology). Conclusion. According to the conducted research of the shipbuilding market, the nomenclature and production volumes of Russian enterprises do not fully cover the existing needs of shipbuilding. However, the domestic shipbuilding industry has sufficient scientific, technical, production and technological potential and market capacity. Our manufacturers have every chance to take a leading position in commercial fleet construction segment in the near future, because the need for Russian-made components with technical and operational characteristics that are not inferior to foreign analogues will increase. Today favourable conditions are forming to stimulate the localization of production. At the same time, the key factors are the stability of Russian legislation and compliance with the obligations assumed by the state, which will ensure the attraction of long-term localization and indigenisation projects in general. The development of own production of a wide range in shipbuilding industry will allow the Russian Federation to pursue a selfsustained and independent policy aimed at ensuring the technological security of the country. To solve such a complex task, an integrated, systematic approach is needed, involving close cooperation between the state, business, and research institutes, which as a result will allow us to build an optimal program for the development of the entire industry.

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