
The article is devoted to the finding a way to determine optimal time for insemination of nutria. This gives an opportunity to improve reproduction what will improve profitability of nutrition as an animal industry.Known for today’s ways to determine optimal time for insemination of nutria have shortcomings, what limits their use. To this end we tested vaginal cystoscopy (colposcopy). This method is not so expensive, it is simple and easy to use. It allows you to define a clear relationship between cytological picture of vaginal smears and hormonal status in a specific period of the sexual cycle.We installed, that in the picture of vaginal smears from the beginning to the middle of proestrus, we can see erythrocytes and parabasal cells, which have a large nucleus, which occupies almost half of the cytoplasm. With a growing level of estrogens instead of basal cells appear intermediate cells reduces the numbers of erythrocytes.During the transition period of the proestrus stage to the estrus stage vaginal swab is characterized by reducing the number of intermediate cells and increase in the number of surface cells. Also we can see non-nuclear cells. Clearly it is visible contours of cells. The appearance of surface cells coincides with the stage of ovulation of the sexual cycle.The same picture of vaginal swab with lots of surface cells we can see in second, sometimes on third day after childbirth. So, the first two days after childbirth is conductive to fertilization period in nutria.In the end of estrus the vaginal swab has changes again: appear epithelial cells with a small nucleus, also we can see many leucocytes.So, the one of the main characteristics of vaginal swab in the period of ovulation in nutria is appearance of non-nuclear surface cells with clear contours and semitransparent cytoplasm. In the development perspective the use of colposcopy to assess the condition of the fetus and the course of pregnancy for further develop methods of diagnosis and prevention of pathologies in ante-, intra- and postnatal periods of development of nutrias puppies.


  • Use of colposcopy for determining optimum term of nutrias inseminationDnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, S.

  • Known for today’s ways to determine optimal time for insemination of nutria have shortcomings, what limits their use

  • To this end we tested vaginal cystoscopy (colposcopy).

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Use of colposcopy for determining optimum term of nutrias insemination

Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, S. Known for today’s ways to determine optimal time for insemination of nutria have shortcomings, what limits their use To this end we tested vaginal cystoscopy (colposcopy). The one of the main characteristics of vaginal swab in the period of ovulation in nutria is appearance of non-nuclear surface cells with clear contours and semitransparent cytoplasm. Одним з актуальних є питання розробки практичних способів діагностики оптимального часу осіменіння у нутрій. На сьогодні існують декілька способів розведення нутрій, найпоширенішим є гаремний метод, суть якого полягає в тому, що до одного самця підсаджують 5 самок (Vasilenko et al, 2003; Mironova et al, 2003; Mironova, 2005). У період переходу стадії проеструсу в еструс у мазку зменшується кількість проміжних клітин, спостерігається збільшення поверхневих, характерна поява клітин, які не мають ядер Рис. 1 Парабазальні клітини (опуклі з великим ядром), характерні для фази проеструсу

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