
Th e article presents the results of a study of imported materials from the burial ground of Ust-Tartas mounds which located in the Vengerovskyi district of the Novosibirsk region. Th e site is one of the largest funerary objects of the Sargat culture, whose history dates back to the 18th century. Th e fi rst excavations were carried out in 1895 and 1896 by S.M. Chugunov. Excavations examined 18 objects, of which seven were attributed to the Sargat culture. Th e purpose of the work is to introduce imported materials from the excavations of mound No. 51 in 2023 into scientifi c circulation, to present a brief description of imported products identifi ed at the burial ground. It was recorded that in the materials of the studied mounds one category was singled out — decorations. Th ey are presented as a set, where the main part consists of beads and little beads, sewn-on plaques and badges. Th ree mirrors were recorded. Th e remaining items are single: earrings, a torc, a fi bula, fragments of fabric. Analogies and dates were given for all products. It has been established that most of the materials were used in the 3rd–1st centuries BC; the fi bula is dated back to the 2nd–1stcenturies BC — 2nd century AD.

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