
Aim: to analyze the basic documents that determine the strategic vision and implementation of the mission of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk, the volume of services provided, the impact of tourism on the economic development of the city through the number of subjects of tourism, tourists, the amount of payments to the city budget. Describe the main components that determine the current state of tourism development, in particular: hotel and restaurant facilities, staffing and information support. Methodology – the study of the impact of tourism on the socio-economic development of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk is based on a combination of methods of sectoral and territorial analysis. In particular, a systematic approach was used for the study using the methods of comparison, statistical, analytical, etc. This methodology involves analyzing the volume of tourist services provided, the purpose of arrival and the number of visitors based on statistics and reports from individual institutions and businesses. Results – the article analyzes the state of tourism enterprises, the situation on the market of services, indicators of tourist collection in the city budget, the number and geography of tours sold by tour operators and travel agents. Emphasis is placed on comparison of reports of establishments that took participants of mass events with city statistics, outlines the real situation regarding the number of participants in business tourism and sports tourism. The analysis of quantitative changes in indicators of hotel and restaurant establishments has been carried out and their dynamics has been presented in the context of the last two years. Attention is drawn to the information security of the tourist industry of the city. Scientific novelty – for the first time, the impact of tourism on the socio-economic development of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk through the lens of tourist meetings, the development of hotel and restaurant establishments has been analyzed on the basis of sectoral and territorial analysis. The results of the study may underlie the writing of coursework, diploma papers, preparation of lecture-practical material, monitoring of the domestic tourist market. Practical importance. Publication materials, conclusions can be used and used during the educational process, providing training for the national tourism industry, practical activity of tourist enterprises, for the promotion of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk in foreign and domestic tourist markets.

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