
The purpose. To determine effect of different systems of basic soil cultivation and methods of fertilizing on productivity of crops of field rotation. Methods. Field, statistical (statistical analysis of results of probes), comparative-calculation (determination of power efficiency of growing crops in crop rotation). They carried out experiments according to conventional techniques in farming agriculture. Weather conditions during probes on the average appeared typical for Kiev area, however they differed on rainfall and sum of active temperatures above 10 C in some months and years, and as a result productivity of crops varied. Results. Probes have shown that use of organic-mineral fertilizer system has not essentially lowered productivity of winter wheat in comparison with mineral one. Essential lowering was observed at organic fertilizer system: in a link with Lucerne — on 32%, soya bean — 31,3, corn for silage — on 33,3% in comparison with use of mineral system. The highest productivity of winter wheat was on the background of moldboard-subsoil cultivation. Favorable soil conditions for yield of root crops were created at mineral fertilizer system. Application differential and moldboard-subsoil cultivation promoted essential growth of productivity of sugar beet. Productivity of sunflower was essentially above at use of mineral fertilizer system. At application of organic-mineral system productivity was diminished by 6%. Productivity at differential and moldboard-subsoil cultivations essentially did not differ (a variance was 2,6 t/hectare). Conclusions. By results of probes it is established that the best alternative for basic soil cultivation in crop rotation had appeared moldboard-subsoil one. Its use secured increased productivity of beet sugar, winter wheat after soya bean and corn for silage as compared to control. Application of shallow cultivation led to lowering of productivity of cultures of crop rotation. Use of organic-mineral fertilizer system essentially did not reduce productivity of cultures of crop rotation in comparison with mineral system.

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