
Over the past decades, against the background of the innovative directedness of economic development, the role of innovative processes in the activities of entrepreneurial structures has been growing rapidly. Thus, scientific researches related to the innovative activity of entrepreneurial structures, its efficiency and methods of its evaluation become actualized. The present research is aimed at systematizing the existing methodological instrumentarium for assessing the efficiency of entrepreneurial structures, identifying its features and shortcomings for further improvement. The article carries out a detailed systematization of methodological instrumentarium for assessing the innovative activities of entrepreneurial structures, which allowed to allocate the most characteristic methods that differ in indicators and algorithms of their computing, and divide them into two groups depending on the status: governmental and scientific (recommendative). A systematization of methodologies for assessing the efficiency of innovation activity of entrepreneurial structures in accordance with the main object of research was carried out, where among the main criteria for efficiency assessing were the following: effectiveness, comparative efficiency, profit growth, factor analysis, discounting, risk discounting, innovation life cycle, and consumer interest. It is identified that not all extant methodologies allow to obtain a holistic conclusion on the state of innovation activity of entrepreneurial structures, since many of them do not take into account uneconomic factors, rather superficially evaluate or do not evaluate at all ecological, social and other spheres that have a direct impact on the level of innovation activity of entrepreneurial structures. This justifies the impossibility of wide application of such techniques for the analysis and extrapolation of the results obtained in the calculations for them to other levels of innovation development management (both industry and national).

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