
The article deals with the influence of some features of the Russian national character on musical thinking and performing practice. The work aims to outline the problematic aspects of the topic and consider them on the example of the phenomena of Russian violin art of the XIXth – XXIst centuries. Among the main aspects of the topic are the following: forms of reflection of the national character in creativity and performing art; factors that influenced the formation of national traditions of Russian violin art; uniqueness and degree of expression of a certain quality of national character in Russian music-performing art. The paper undertakes a brief review of the authors who dealt with the problems of musical creativity and performance in relation to the regularities of national psychology (B. V. Asafiev, N. G. Shakhnazarova, M. A. Smirnov, etc.). Special attention is paid to the transformation of performing qualities in connection with changes in the “national psychological complex” (M. A. Smirnov) influenced by various sociohistorical and artistic attitudes. The material of the study is mainly the reviewers’ conclusions concerning the peculiarities of the style of national violinists, whose work belongs to different historical periods: to the period of formation of the traditions of national violin art at the turn of the XVIIIth – XIXth centuries, to the Soviet era and to the current state of violin art from the late XXth – early XXIst century and up to our time. The outcome of the analysis of various phenomena of Russian violin art of the XIXth – XXIst centuries is the conclusion that the national uniqueness of performance, as a result of the reflection of certain features of national perception of the world and emotional reactions, is differently manifested in different style contexts. But up to our time, the performing art of Russian violinists retains the qualities (for example, intonation with semantic and psychological content of sound, singsong in sound production), ensuring the recognisability of national musical and stylistic traits, in one way or another associated with the specifics of the national character.

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