
The article is dedicated to the famous singer and teacher, Doctor of Arts Sergey Borisovich Yakovenko. It presents selected pages of the master's life, his performing activity, tells about the musician's creative contacts with representatives of Russian culture of the second half of the XXth – early XXIst centuries. The first performer of many modern vocal works, monooperas, cantatas and oratorios, outstanding and little-known works of world music, romances and songs by Soviet composers, S. B. Yakovenko is also a major figure in science, education and musical enlightenment. His research focuses on a wide range of issues related to vocal creativity, performance interpretation and singing traditions. The article also presents the basic pedagogical principles of the musician. The publication contains the material from one of the last works of S. B. Yakovenko "Three Hundred Years Without a Director", which never saw the light. It is devoted to the history of musical theater, the role of director, conductor and composer in it. The source for this research were the books of the prominent singer and teacher, articles about his work, personal conversations of the author with S. B. Yakovenko.

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