
This article aim to define an educational implication inherent in an expostulation on King by investigation about the theoretical and historical basis of it. As we know, Confucian school prepare the theoretical ground about scholarly official’s expostulation on King and it derive from sense of ethics that is represented the admiration on the culture of Chu(周) Dynasty. According to this, expostulation mean the embodiment of benevolence(仁) and the performance, standing on the basis of ethical emotion and practising the equivalent exchange on ethical value in relationship. Since then this is mentioned ‘Xunzi(荀子)’, Xunhwang(荀況)’s book, and ‘The Scripture on Filial Duty(孝經)’, a writing in Han(漢) Dynasty and this is required as a ethical duty on officials and sons consistently in all Dynasty adopting Confucianism. However the institutionalization of this idea is generally achieved a way guaranteeing the independence of advisory officials’(言官)s duty and advisory route(言路) after 10 Century.
 The historical record about institutionalization on scholarly officials’ expostulation is appeared since Korye(高麗) Dynasty. Certainly there are advisory officials under the office of senior ministers(門下省) and invigorating a royal education system(經筵) for King since King Yejong(睿宗) in Korye Dynasty. Especially a royal education system in Korye Dynasty is composed by scholarly officials belong to many departments such as royal literary organization(寶文閣) under King’s control until the last period of Dynasty. This means containing expostulation as an educational work.
 An expostulational system is established the ideal way to realize the scholarly King(君師) as an ideal type of king for confucian scholars after Chosŏn(朝鮮) Dynasty. This system aim to bring up King’s virtue(薰陶) and guarantee to advise his opinions freely in the face of King. On this account, royal literary organizations(集賢殿, 藝文館, 그리고 弘文館) in Chosŏn Dynasty are also developed as a consultative one. Therefore it generate the opportunity of the appearance of public politics(公論政治) and factions(朋黨). It is because of a Neo-confucian school who provide the theory to appear the isomorphism between education and expostulation.

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