
The aim of the article is to develop recommendations for the formation of an innovative strategy for the development of Ukraine in the context of technoglobalism. The necessity of innovative development of the economy of Ukraine is proved, which involves the production of new knowledge that can be embodied in real economic practice, based on intellectual capital and the production of innovations, which will ultimately ensure the improvement of the processes of production of the products both high-tech and competitive in foreign markets. The features of the scientific and innovative capacity of the Ukrainian economy in accordance with the indicators of the leading world rankings are highlighted. A general characterization of each of the main indices in recent years is provided and both the leaders and the place of Ukraine are determined. It is noted that Ukrainian results in terms of innovation indicators have deteriorated compared to the previous year, which is due to the full-scale war of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. It is determined that the war has caused a crisis in the development of scientific, technical and innovative activities in Ukraine, since the number of institutions and employees engaged in such activities has significantly decreased, and the amount of funding for such activities, despite their growth in value terms, remains extremely low for a country with such a large population, the number of scientific and educational institutions, as well as industrial enterprises. It is underlined that our best indicator has traditionally been the high quality of human capital, and the worst indicator is the state of institutions and infrastructure. A number of shortcomings that should be eliminated in order to effectively develop innovations in our country have been identified. The ways to improve the directions and methods of implementing the tasks set for the development of innovation activity in Ukraine, elaborated in the Strategy of the country until 2030, taking into account the difficult conditions of today, which will allow to solve these problems more effectively, are proposed. The use of the proposed measures will make it possible to create an effective mechanism for promoting innovative development to ensure the recovery of the domestic economy in the conditions of war and the post-war, and to deepen integration into the world community.

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