
The authors summarize the ideas of development of innovations in Ukraine, which in the conditions of armed conflicts are directed, first of all, on satisfaction of needs of army, maintenance of export of military products to other countries, strengthening of fight against epidemics, smoothing of negative results of possible global crisis, promotion of the up to date directions of investments, growing of the trust from investors side, improving the quality of life. The purpose of scientific work is to highlight: the theoretical grounds of innovative development; significance of innovations for the Ukrainian economy; the importance and competitive advantage of innovative products in the conditions of armed conflicts; the main directions of innovative product development in modern realities. The methodological basis of the conducted study is a set of general scientific and special scientific methods, first of all: methods of analysis and synthesis are used to study ideas and existing positions on current approaches to development and components of innovation for the security of the country, method of complex diagnostics - to study the state of competitive advantages of innovative products of defense industries in conditions of armed conflicts. According to the results of the conducted study, the authors outlined a number of major political, social and economic factors as components of innovation and competitive activity in modern Ukraine, aimed at ensuring national security and successful development of the Ukrainian state. The article determines that the material basis of innovation processes designed to ensure the security of modern Ukraine are economic guarantees that require constant development. The authors conclude that the ideological basis for the formation of domestic innovative products should be close cooperation between science and business, the national idea of protection and development of an economically strong country. It is possible to achieve the competitiveness of the country in the present situation, providing the economic equilibrium in the state – the following capacity of the country population, under which its normal conditions of being and work are ensured. And this depends on the availability of sufficient quantity of basic resources, the sustainability of the financial-credit and monetary system, the securement of the rule of law and the effectiveness of the law-enforcement system, the increase in the readiness of the army to protect the state, the protection against epidemics, the reliability and efficiency of the system of self-government and public administration, the consolidation of the defence capability of the state, its military-industrial complex. The state in the conditions of war and epidemics acts as a guarantor of the development of high technologies, innovations, knowledge and information networks. An important function of the state in the conditions of the genesis of post-industrialization is the fulfilment of its role as one of the main agents that ensure the advance development of the main spheres of the economy, especially innovations. In times of armed conflicts, epidemics and globalization challenges in the warring countries, an accelerated development of scientific technological progress goes on, the medical sphere is reformed, and a system of new international relations is formed, aimed at ensuring the national interests of the state. This has a positive social impact. Thus, new types of weapons have been created in Ukraine and have been successfully used on the Russo-Ukrainian front. The military industry is developing, arms exports are increasing, and the space industry is reorienting itself in the interests of national defence and security. Ukraine is adapting its military-industrial complex to the NATO standards. The decisive factor in the successful evolution of the Ukrainian state today is a breakthrough innovative economic activity, which includes the introduction of modern advanced technologies, the use of advanced forms of production, the development of preferential lending, the implication of domestic and foreign investments, the support for the national producer, the improvement of state regulation of economic relations, the increase in the qualification of personnel potential, the support for science, the protection of intellectual property rights, the creation of creativity. The ideological underpinnings of innovation activity in Ukraine should be the close collaboration of science and business, the nationwide idea of protecting and developing an economically strong country. Keywords: competitiveness, innovative product, military-industrial complex, globalization challenges, development of science.

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