
The world is increasingly entering the era of the creative economy: innovation and creativity, science and culture are changing the business and social environment, innovatively solving socio-economic problems, and moving the economy, society, culture, politics, and even the world forward. The article describes in detail the essence and originality of the concepts of "creative economy" and "creative industries", the emergence of these global phenomena and views on these processes. Based on this goal, the objectives of this study are to form a more comprehensive approach to the concept of innovative economy based on the creative component; to familiarize with the modern world leaders in the development of the creative economy; to identify creative industries; to combine cultural knowledge with economic practices in the field of innovative and creative, post-industrial service economy. In the near future, the creative economy will become the basis for the socio-economic leadership of countries that strive for it. At this stage of development, the question of both the technology for solving the problem and the speed and originality of this solution is acute.

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