
Passing of vegetable-growing of the protected soil to intensive technologies of production is accompanied by the high anthropogenic loading on hothouse soil, that negatively influences on his fertility, availability of basic biogenic ingredients, productivity of plants and quality of products. The aim of the conducted work consisted in research of influence of microorganisms on optimization of biological processes of nitrogen fixation in soil and productivity of plants of egg-plant in the conditions of pellicle hothouses. Researches were conducted on the base of Institute of vegetable-growing and water-melon of NATIONAL ACADEMY OF AGRICULTURALSCIENCE OF UKRAINE during 2011 - 2014 in a pellicle hothouse without heating on the plants of the egg-plant of sort Premieres. It is set that period of the active fruiting of plants of egg-plant most actively microbal preparations of Ekopatsyl and Baktopaslyon (43,15 and 35,95 mln pieces/g. of dry soil) assist the accumulation of useful biota that stipulates the increase of potential activity of nitrofication (35,71 and 33,36 nanomolar/g of soil/year) and increase of the productivity of plants of egg-plant on 0,96 - 3,26 kg/ sq.m.

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